Advocacy for children in foster care changes everything.

Through a detailed strategic planning process, CASA/LA has determined that there are 12,000 children living in foster care in Los Angeles County who have an immediate need for a Court Appointed Special Advocate (CASA) to help them navigate the complex child welfare system, find a permanent home, and ensure that their safety and well-being are cared for. Each one of these children matters. They are the most vulnerable members of our community, having experienced abuse or neglect at the hands of their parents or caregivers. In order to reach these significantly increased numbers, CASA of Los Angeles is launching a widespread marketing and fundraising campaign to serve 3,000 children and youth in the next three years.


Stay tuned!

The CASA program is a proven, reliable and economic model of support that is the difference between success and failure for thousands of children. Many more children would thrive if they had the intensive intervention of a CASA volunteer.